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Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs


Poet & Professor

Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs

Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs was a child farmworker and is the daughter of migrant farmworkers from Durango, MX. She is currently a Professor in Modern Languages and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, and the Theiline Pigott McCone Endowed Chair in the Humanities (2018-2020) at Seattle University. She has served as former Director for The Center for The Study of Justice in Society, Seattle University. She is a polylingual poet, critic, and cultural worker. She is the author/editor of eight books of poetry, criticism and culture, and multiple articles, encyclopedia entries, opinion pieces. She received her MA and PhD from Stanford University. She is first editor of Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia and Presumed Incompetent, Vol. II., (2020), and single editor of various other books on Chicana criticism, (University of Arizona Press). She also authored the published and forthcoming poetry collections: The Runaway Poems, (Finishing Line Press) A Most Improbable Life, The Plastic Book and Kneading Words: Intersectionality, goddesses and beyond.

About Their Work:

Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs’ poems “spill all the possibility of light” from Nepantla, that in-between space “the interstices of the mind” where “Life has tires,/it is horizontal”, a traversing “intimacy,/a difficult product to export.” She leans in to that closeness in all her languages simultaneously to see the connection between guest and ghost, between Indian and Indian, until we’re all un-tamed, re-indigenized, “until our souls become polyglots,/like birds.” -- Matt Trease (2023)

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