Laura Paul
she or they
Poet & Multimedia Artist
Laura Paul is a writer and multimedia artist who has been published in The Brooklyn Rail, Los Angeles Review of Books, minor literature[s], Tarpaulin Sky Magazine, Pangyrus, Dream Pop Journal, and other outlets. Her art has been exhibited at Armory Center for the Arts, Open Space for Arts and Community, and Other Places Art Fair. She holds a M.A. in Cinema and Media Studies from UCLA and a B.A. in Comparative History of Ideas from the University of Washington, Seattle. She works for the publisher Sublunary Editions and independent book distributor Asterism Books. Her book, Film Elegy, is coming out this October with PRROBLEM Press.
About Their Work:
“I want you to get out of this Theme Park and go home,” the mother/narrator of one of Laura’s hybrid vignettes discloses. In all her writing, we encounter these fabulist mothers instructing us about the “motion simulators, optical illusions, and merry-go-rounds” of late capitalism Empire “heavily decorated by protected and trademarked characters. The machinery, so tired and worn down by constant weight and wear.” And yet, the poet is always there lunching “with skunks & totems of turtles & talismans of nightingales” and ancient ways of knowing eating away at our logical knowledge like bacteria that “write your name/in silt/ across the floors of oceans, houses, sidereal mountains.” She reminds us that while language can close us off, it’s also good to know that Living in time's breath” “Words Can Heal/These words can heal” can teach us “How to navigate away from crop rotation to something heavier, unimaginable”
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