Nanya Jhingran
Poet, Scholar, Teacher, Associate Editor at Poetry Northwest

nanya jhingran is a poet, scholar & teacher from Lucknow, India currently living by the coastal margin of the Salish Sea, on the unceded lands of the Coast Salish People (upon which the city of Seattle was built).
She serves as an Associate Editor at Poetry Northwest where she edits the book reviews section, reads poetry submissions, and pitches in with other editorial tasks. She also organizes the “Critics at Large” program, a paid yearlong cultural criticism residency for emerging poet-critics which announces its inaugural cohort in Summer 2022.
She is currently a PhD Candidate and MFA Candidate in Poetry at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her dissertation reads contemporary literature by women writing in the context of 20th century partitions in Palestine, Ireland, and India and argues for feminist poetic practice as a form of social reproductive work. She is also working on her first poetry collection.
About Their Work:
"I am not always a fan of poems that take their time to delineate place; maybe I’ve lost patience or faith that I won’t just revisit the same old post-Romantic landscape. But for Nanya Jhingran I’ll gladly make an exception. Not only does this poet’s description surprise, but the things it reveals are vividly now, new and essential. The opaque deceptiveness of place names mirroring the names by which we explain ourselves to others; the “tactile loss” and the “air/ trapped in the double-paned curtain walls” of sky-scrapered downtowns where daily purpose condenses and identity compacts and dissipates—these are revelations Jhingran’s skill and patience in description provide, revelations that require and transmute what they describe. As a bonus, the poet repaints the world we all glimpse and drive past every day, saturating it with meaning. Very impressive."
– Dave Karp
Follow On:
IG: @nanyabiznes
Twitter: @not1ofurbiznes
Books (for purchase):
Online Work:
“10 AM on Market Street,” “Hour East of the City,” “Poem for a Soundscape in Flight,” and “New Year’s Eve, 2021” in Waxwing Literary Journal
“Night Birds” in The Seventh Wave
“ho bisogno di niente” in Cathexis Northwest Press
“Grief” and “Let’s Say That Unkindness too” in THE BOILER
“Love Letter to the Biryani at Wahid’s or A Joyous Poem in the Center” and “Poha, now as TSA Subject” in Kajal Magazine
“Using Pantry Staples, I Fashion a Body” in New Limestone Review
Read for Margin Shift:
March 11, 2023